Monday 6 December 2021

Can dogs and other animals be cereal killers


Watch "Man in critical condition after being attacked by 2 loose pit bulls in northwest Harris County, ..." on YouTube 

All Dogs nature's are predatory. So in that respect, you never know for sure what a dog will do.
It's the natural nature of a dog to hunt and be aggressive.
Regardless of the breed.
A recent case in british columbia canada found a lady dead in the woods.
While walking her two large dogs.
I cant remember the breed of dogs she had.

I think they were rotten weilers if I'm recalling the news article correctly.
Yet they were not pitbulls.
That's for sure.
Regarding that specific case .
But, yeah.

It was proven that her dogs killed her.
Now everyone who knew her ?

And knew these dogs?

They all said " it didnt make sense.
Because she was good to her dogs always.
But despite that?
One day they just decided to up and kill her.

And she was found dead.
Though she was always good to her dogs.

Why did they kill her then one day?
When she was walking them by herself in a recluse area?
In bc canada?

The answer is obvious people.

Because it's a dogs real nature.
That's why.
And anyone who says differently is lying.
Pure and simple.

Now, that said, I will now say this.
In most cases, if a human is good to their dog , the dog will not attack their owner.
Or others.

It's TRUE.
though it depends on how the dog is trained for the majority too.

Yet, that said, in most cases, if you treat your dog good,  and train it properly it will be docile.

Most breeds of dogs are acceptable as pets in this regard.
Not so with pit bulls though.

Contrary to what one dog owner says, regarding dogs, so, it doesnt matter if your nice to a pit bull or not.
It might attack.

It depends on its mood.
Its that simple.

"""Their are no bad dogs?
Only bad owners?"""

That saying is not true in the case of pitbulls.
Regardless of what anyone says.

Their are just too many factual cases of pitbulls attacking  that prove that saying wrong.

On that note
Obviously the breed is unpredictable and violent.

too violent actually to be considered pets for humans.

Ultimately I'm
Sorry, but the breed needs to be banned and outlawed.

Or treated like a zoo animal.
Pit bulls cant be pets.

They cant be trusted.
And only a fool would say they can be trusted.

I knew a guy once who had a pitbull and said his animal was sweet and harmless.
You just have to treat the dog good.
And as far as I could see , this guy treated his pitbull very good.

Yet despite that, strangely enough,
Two months later the guy was in the hospital with serious bites to his leg.
And his pitbull was put down.
For being a dangerous animal.
What's that?
The breed is too unpredictable.

You just never know if it will attack or not.

An interesting story I can relate at this time though , regarding pitbulls, is addressed  as follows.

In the year 2003 I was doing a paper route for a short period of time in a canadian  city.

London ontario.

And as I was doing that route once, I happened accross a house that had a rather huge mastiff sitting peacefully on the front lawn of the house.
With an extremely wiry dangerous looking pit bull running in circles around the very large mastiff.

The pitbull looked like it wanted to attack the huge dog.

But the pitbull didnt attack.
Then the owner of the loose pitbull came and took it away growling violently.

In my opinion?
If that violent  pitbull had dared to stupidly attack that huge mastiff?

The pitbull wouldnt be alive.
It's that simple.
I think the pitbull knew it.

So the pitbull stopped short of attacking the mastiff.
And just ran in circles around  it.

It was actually kind of funny to watch.

The mastiff didnt move.

It just calmly watched the pitbull.
Glaring at it.
Waiting for the attack to happen.
If that pitbull had been stupid enough to try it?

Bye bye pitty bull.


The pitbull knew it would lose.

So it didnt attack.
But it sure tried to intimidate the mastiff.

As I said, the mastiff just calmly watched it.

So the pitbull isnt a stupid dog.

Just like a hyena doesnt stupidly attack a lion or bear.
Despite the force of a hyenas jaws which, as far as I know, have more power then a pitbull dog.
For example.
A pitbull isnt stupid.
Because it obviously knew when not to attack.
I saw the pitbull run around the mastiff. Viciously growling.
Trying to formulate an appropriate attack.

Against the mastiff.
But in the end the pitbull didnt dare attack the mastiff.

Because it knew the big dog was out of its league in a fight.
So the pitbull is intelligent.

But its a coward.
Because it wouldnt attack a creature  when it knew it would lose.
Pure and simple.

So obviously  it's a coward.
For the majority.
And a menace.
To society.

Its unpredictable.
So,its proper place is in a zoo.
With hyenas.
It's not a pet.
It's a dangerous dog.
like a hyena.

why cant people see that?
That's obvious.

Clear and simple.

Can animals be deliberate cereal killers?  Or rather  serial killers? In Summarizing that query regarding this video addressed below the following needs to be spoken. MY DEAR GOD YES. 

Ancient jewish manuscripts  " including an ancient SCRIPTURAL



" entitled ' SPECIFICALLY' THE HAGGADAH" With MANY WORDS WHICH  align quite frequently with christian doctrine LIKEWISE" FOR THE RECORD

- state to humans in this life that The most high PRIME  GOD OF ALL created  mortals in this life" created many many mystical partly terrestrial partly incorporeal alchemical fleshed monsters that would walk with regular terrestrial  created  creatures created by the gods of all created life forces  in this existence.

All over the planet earth as well as in the waters of earth and throughout earths lower firmament skies for the most part in this life such marvelous earthly mysterious monsters would roam .

Each mostly in different geographical quarters or  sections of earth.

A large majority of such esoteric partially molecular partly spiritual creatures or monsters created by GOD also possess cloaking powers.
Such as the big foot or yeti or sasquatch.

Or the lochness monster.

Just for the appropriate sake of record.
When such monsters are in various jurisdictions of earth which allow such monsters the ability to hide their EXISTENCES from humans.

Mostly such mystical creatures or monsters breed once a year.
In the time frames and running of this existence.
And such scriptures also speak of
Various dark forces or powerful nocturnal spiritual created forces of satan.
Such as werewolves and vampires .
Which are evil spirits in human form.
Which appear to humans too.
In this life.

Now'if human historical facts matter in this life " it is clear vaticinally that the millenial reign of christ referred to in revelation 20: 1 to 11 occurred from 666 to 1666 a d.
In this life.
In which time satan and most evil spirits were banished from being able to appear before humans..
Some evil spirits could still appear before humans.
During such a time on earth in this life.

Yet they could only do it by appearing as beings of darkness.
Not as beings of light.

As 2and cor 11: 13 to 15 warn humans.

Which is obviously what rev 20: 1 to 10 states.

In summary'that information just addressed simply means this.. .

most evil spirits  were confined in a prison so they could not deceive humans with evil inventions and lies  during those years.

Meaning the thousand year reign of christ with his saints on earth.
See rev 20: 7 to 10.
As the  information addressed here in this website clearly obviously completely  verifies factually for humans in this life.

Hence'  as revelation 20: 7 to 10 warn humans so'  in this exisrence'''''upon the release of satan in the year 1666 a d ' as revelation 20: 7 to 10 states'' so'in turn' it is true that awfully horrid  weird sightings of nocturnal monsters began appearing everywhere on earth for about 200 years.
After the year 1666 a d.
At the release of satan back on to earth.
In this life.
usually that's how satan and evil spirits operate after being out of commission for a while.

Yet the reason why so many sightings of vampires werewolves and other nocturnal monsters of human mystical darkness were sighted from the years 666 to 1666 a d is obviously due unto the fact evil spirits could not take on human form during the thousand year reign of christ.

As revelation 20: 1 to 10 and also 2nd cor 11: 13 to 15 warn humans regarding prophetic time slots and time lines assigned by christian prophesy  for all humans  to this created  existence of man.

In this life or in any life evil spirits and satan appear in  with mere mortals.

Just for the appropriate sake of record:::

That information just addressed?
When all the facts of this life are analysed properly?

That information just addressed in writing  is clearly factual.
By rational deduction?

The 3rd case ?
In this video?

Which addresses the beast of gevuldon?

All the facts of this existence in summary verify the BEAST OF GEVULDON was an immortal evil spirit in this life that'''' through forbidden alchemical  evil  procedures ' manufactured superior flesh through esoteric functions unknown to humans in this life.

Then' such an evil spirit entered into that physical terrestrial superior created  flesh to wreck some havoc on certain humans in this present existence of mankind is quite obviously a correct statement.
When all the facts of this existence are measured adequately.
Regarding this existence...
That is of a certainty.

And on that note I will add this now's to that statement.

For the record
When the beast of gevuldon was finally hunted down captured and  killed by humans in this life'then'when that occurred " the evil spirit departed out of that  evil  body it had constructed.

And went into the spirit world in this earths lower atmosphere.
To war against humans from a spiritual realm again.
For the time being.
In this life.

That's one of the ways evil spirits attack humans with evils in this life

As i also explain here.

In many links.
Just for the appropriate sake of record.

Veridical voracious veracity.
Spoken honorably.
Pure and simple.

And straight to the point of truth.



I now close this post with a comment attached to this video here.
Watch "Pitbull attacks a horse and pays the price!!!" on YouTube 

Worded as follows.

Of course pit bulls should be outlawed. Their just plain nuts.

And, just  for the record? Their have been many cases in human history where good dog owners were killed by dogs, who, all of a sudden, went crazy, for no real reason.
I've checked the facts of this life
Theirs no doubt, that's true.

Idiots who worship dogs above human life and logic will lie and tell you that's not true.
But I assure you of this.

The facts of this life do confirm that good decent owners have been killed by their dogs.

A variety of cases say ,after being calm and peaceful for a while,the dogs just flipped out, and killed their good owners.
And when I refer to good owners , I refer to the fact, no factual  reports exist which state that the owners were ever bad to their dogs.

Yet strangely the dogs went wild and killed their compassionate good owners.
That's on record, many times.
In this life.

If you check the facts of dog attacks in this life.
In connection to this?

What does that tell humans on earth?

that obviously means dogs are natural killers.

And cant be trusted.

Obviously that's what it means.

Pure and simple.

Watch "🤪🏄‍♀️THE🌞 MIRROR 😻🌊TO 🐡🐒C5Q41 🐮OF🦚🍇🌎☄ THE WORDS 🌈OF 😻NOSTRADAMUS!!!" 🐬on YouTube🧟‍♀️  Magically 🤩connected🦄 to revelation🌪🐳🦧 21: 1 🌌to🤪 3😮🦜💧    o my SWEET GOD! YES!!! 

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