Saturday 31 July 2021

😱😱😱😱Ooo noooo!!!!!😱😱no means no doctor jigaboo! Please dont touch my private parts again!😱😱and dont speak such evil!!things ! Woe noooo!!!

 Someone told me recently The holy ghost in christianity is majorly hypocritical " a complete lukewarm hypocrite and a lying evil being.

Connected toevery christian scripture.

2nd peter 3: 7 to 17.

Genesis 18.

2and Timothy 3: 1 to 9.

2nd ESDRAS 14: 13 to 17.


May I say I was appalled that this person spoke such words.

I was aghast to hear someone accuse the HOLY ghost in christianity of being a chief lying demon of satan regarding christianity.

But I did warn this person that matthew 12: 37 was written to humanity for a reason.

Yet" for the record" I always like to be rational and seek to rationalize every subject humans address to me in this life logically and righteously.

 so I asked this person why they dared to speak that way?

And accuse the All divine holy spirit in christianity of being the chief liar of satan in this life.

"""""Why?""""" This person asked?

Look at the facts of christianity compared to what is happening in this life presently.

What do you see?"" 

He asked me ..

Every day humans prove they are above the obvious lies of CHRISTIANITYS holy spirit referred to in 2and peter 2: 11 to 15 and matthew 16: 18 to 19 on all levels.

And humans  today clearly prove connected to matthew 7: 16 to 23 and james 2: 26 that they are infinitely above CHRISTIANITYS words SPOKEN through CHRISTIANITYS so called holy ghost in countless other issues as well.

While humans of this time gloriously righteously pollute earth to death with gloriously SINLESS inventions that reign above the obvious lying so called HOLY spirit of CHRISTIANITYS phoney  warnings addressed to humans through 1st peter 4: 1 and matthew 16: 18 to 19 as well.

The more humans on earth today live in fleshly luxury above the obviously lying  HOLY spirit of CHRISTIANITYS deliberate devilish lies addressed in 1st peter 4: 1 and matthew 16: 18 to 19 the more gloriously righteous devilish humans reign supreme in sinlessnesses galore over the so called  HOLY spirit of CHRISTIANITYS  damn pathetic lies addressed in 2nd peter 2: 11 to 15 and luke 21: 36 as well.😱

As matthew 7: 16 to 23 proves through james 2: 26 and deuteronomy 19: 15 to 16 as well.

By which factor " when it becomes that clear that the HOLY ghost is obviously a god damn lying demon regarding 2and peter 1: 19 to 21 that's when righteous beings start cursing CHRISTIANITYS HOLY ghost for being a lying horrific demon.

In this life.

To not begin cursing the HOLY ghost for lying like a devil horrifically in the ways it's just been proven the HOLY ghostsinfully lies to humans would be atrocious.

On anyone's part.

Anyone who honors real truth decently that is.

So because it's now become completely obvious that CHRISTIANITYS holy ghost is really a lying demon in every way in this life that now is what I shall do.

I shall curse the holy ghost in christianity for lying like a chief devil.

In this life.

Cursed be the GOD damn holy ghost in christianity for deliberately sinfully lying unrighteously hypocritically to me like that for 50 god damn years!

This person shouted at me.

"""God damn bitch cursed so called holy ghost in christianity.

""Fuck you."":

""You cursed so called  HOLY ghost in christ.""

This person screamed.

You clearly lied like a god damn sinful   unholy bitch to me for 50 years in a row.

To this point that's obvious.


I righteously curse the HOLY ghost in christianity for lying sinfully decrepidly to me for 50 years in a row!

God damn cursed bitch!""


Every cursed lie the holy ghost ever spoke in connection to 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 and 2nd peter 2 and 1st peter 4: 1 and 2nd esdras 14: 46 to 48 connected to luke 7: 35 is manifest through the sinlessness of all earthlings who defy luke 14: 33 and psalm one on all counts.""""

This person shouted at me.

"""Pollute earth to hell through righteous devilish inventions.

And you will prove to little children that you are righteous beyond all measure.

Above the holy spirit of CHRISTIANITYS lies in 2and Timothy 3: 1 to 9 and 2and ESDRAS 14: 13 to 17 of christia its pathetic phoney scriptures likewise.

Connected to the cursed lies of 2and peter 1: 19 to 21 obviously likewise"""

For doing the opposite of Gods idiotic commandments.

As all adult humans today prove above the cursed holy spirits deliberate sinful lies in revelation 16: 13to 14 and deuteronomy 7: 26 on all counts.


Approach devilish inventions and prove you are divine above the DERANGED holy spirit of CHRISTIANITYS lies in deuteronomy 7: 26 connected to matthew 5: 27 likewise.

As the cursed HOLY spirit of CHRISTIANITYS lies addressed in the first EPISTLE of john 2: 15 to 17 also prove.

Connected to matthew 7: 16 to 23.

Of course.

Christianitys scripyures and warnings are clear GOD damn lies.

Connected to 2nd peter 1:19 'to 21!!"""::

That's what a person recently screamed at me.

I said to that person"" woe sheba?"""Are you sure?

This person responded

To that question

 " what do the facts dictate?

Far worse then all beings including satan "" in sin""" is CHRISTIANITYS holy ghost connected to the sinful godhead of christianity.


Because CHRISTIANITYS holy ghost claims to be all divine truth.

Connected to 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.

Unlike evil spirits.


According to christianity.

Yet presently it's clear that the HOLY ghost in christianity is a complete sinful liar to everything christianity states.

That's what this person told me.


I said to this person the following.

Perhaps you should read the last post attached to this website.

For clarity on what you just said.

That would be my advice to you.

On that note.

Connected to this.




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